
2014-11-03 13:14范钧叶聘聂津君
软科学 2014年10期

范钧 叶聘 聂津君




在服务经济和知识经济时代,知识密集型服务业(Knowledge-intensive Business Service,KIBS)企业得到迅猛发展。但我国KIBS企业作为全球市场的后来者,要在竞争日趋激烈、顾客需求复杂变化、创新速度不断加快的市场环境中脱颖而出,就必须通过新服务开发(New Service Development,NSD)来实现服务创新。领先顾客作为服务创新最有价值的顾客,在NSD中的积极作用已引起KIBS企业的重视。网络虚拟环境下的领先顾客在线参与也逐渐成为KIBS企业提升NSD绩效的重要手段[1]。部分KIBS企业已开始通过网站留言板、在线论坛、虚拟社区、电子邮件、虚拟实验室、创新工具箱等途径,吸引领先顾客在线参与企业NSD活动。













[1]Fuller J, Matzler K, Hoppe M. Brand Community Members as a Source of Innovation [J]. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2008, 25:608-619.

[2]Chan K W, Yim C K, Lam S S K. Is Customer Participation in Value Creation a Double-edged Sword? Evidence From Professional Financial Services Across Cultures [J]. Journal of Marketing, 2010, 74(3):48-64.endprint

[3]Zhou T. Understanding Online Community User Participation: A Social Influence Perspective [J]. Internet Research, 2011, 21(1):67-81.

[4]Carbonell P, Rodriguez-Escudero, A I, Pujari D. Performance Effects of Involving Lead Users and Close Customers in New Service Development [J]. Journal of Services Marketing, 2012, 26(7):497-509.

[5]王永贵等. 顾客创新论:全球竞争环境下“价值共创”之道 [M].北京:中国经济出版社, 2011:78-89.

[6]Ornetzedera M, Rohracherb H. User-led Innovations and Participation Processes: Lessons from Sustainable Energy Technologies [J]. Energy Policy, 2006, 34(2):138-150.

[7]Gebert H, Geib M, Kolbe L, Brenner W. Knowledge-enabled Customer Relationship Management: Integrating Customer Relationship and Knowledge Management Concepts [J]. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2003, 7(5):107-123.

[8]Lee L. The Effects of Team Reflexivity and Innovativeness on New Product Develop Performance [J]. Industrial Management Data Systems, 2008, 108(4):548-569.

[9]姚山季, 王永贵. 顾客参与新产品开发的绩效影响:产品创新类型的调节效应 [J]. 商业经济与管理, 2011, (5):89-96.

[10]Lilien G, Pamela M D, Searls K, et al. Performance Assessment of the Lead User Generation Process for New Product Development [J]. Management Science, 2002, 48:1042-1059.

[11]Natti S, Halinen A, Hanttu N. Customer Knowledge Transfer and Key Account Management in Professional Service Organizations [J]. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 2006, 17(4):304-319.

[12]Brettel M, Cleven N J. Innovation Culture, Collaboration with External Partners and NPD Performance [J]. Creativity and Innovation Management, 2011, 20(4): 253-272.

[13]范钧. 社会资本对 KIBS 中小企业客户知识获取和创新绩效的影响研究[J]. 软科学, 2011, 25(1): 85-90.

[14]Verhees F J H M, Meulenberg M T G,Penning J M E. Performance Expectations of Small Firms Considering Radical Product Innovation [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2010, 63(7):772-777.

[15]Claycomb C, Lengnick-Hall C A,Inks L W. The Customer as a Productive Resource: A Pilot Study and Strategic Implications [J].Journal of Business Strategies, 2001, 18(1):46-68.

[16]Jaw C, Lo J Y, Lin Y H. The Determinants of New Service Development: Service Characteristics, Market Orientation, and Actualizing Innovation Effort [J]. Technovation, 2010, 30:265-27.


[3]Zhou T. Understanding Online Community User Participation: A Social Influence Perspective [J]. Internet Research, 2011, 21(1):67-81.

[4]Carbonell P, Rodriguez-Escudero, A I, Pujari D. Performance Effects of Involving Lead Users and Close Customers in New Service Development [J]. Journal of Services Marketing, 2012, 26(7):497-509.

[5]王永贵等. 顾客创新论:全球竞争环境下“价值共创”之道 [M].北京:中国经济出版社, 2011:78-89.

[6]Ornetzedera M, Rohracherb H. User-led Innovations and Participation Processes: Lessons from Sustainable Energy Technologies [J]. Energy Policy, 2006, 34(2):138-150.

[7]Gebert H, Geib M, Kolbe L, Brenner W. Knowledge-enabled Customer Relationship Management: Integrating Customer Relationship and Knowledge Management Concepts [J]. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2003, 7(5):107-123.

[8]Lee L. The Effects of Team Reflexivity and Innovativeness on New Product Develop Performance [J]. Industrial Management Data Systems, 2008, 108(4):548-569.

[9]姚山季, 王永贵. 顾客参与新产品开发的绩效影响:产品创新类型的调节效应 [J]. 商业经济与管理, 2011, (5):89-96.

[10]Lilien G, Pamela M D, Searls K, et al. Performance Assessment of the Lead User Generation Process for New Product Development [J]. Management Science, 2002, 48:1042-1059.

[11]Natti S, Halinen A, Hanttu N. Customer Knowledge Transfer and Key Account Management in Professional Service Organizations [J]. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 2006, 17(4):304-319.

[12]Brettel M, Cleven N J. Innovation Culture, Collaboration with External Partners and NPD Performance [J]. Creativity and Innovation Management, 2011, 20(4): 253-272.

[13]范钧. 社会资本对 KIBS 中小企业客户知识获取和创新绩效的影响研究[J]. 软科学, 2011, 25(1): 85-90.

[14]Verhees F J H M, Meulenberg M T G,Penning J M E. Performance Expectations of Small Firms Considering Radical Product Innovation [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2010, 63(7):772-777.

[15]Claycomb C, Lengnick-Hall C A,Inks L W. The Customer as a Productive Resource: A Pilot Study and Strategic Implications [J].Journal of Business Strategies, 2001, 18(1):46-68.

[16]Jaw C, Lo J Y, Lin Y H. The Determinants of New Service Development: Service Characteristics, Market Orientation, and Actualizing Innovation Effort [J]. Technovation, 2010, 30:265-27.


[3]Zhou T. Understanding Online Community User Participation: A Social Influence Perspective [J]. Internet Research, 2011, 21(1):67-81.

[4]Carbonell P, Rodriguez-Escudero, A I, Pujari D. Performance Effects of Involving Lead Users and Close Customers in New Service Development [J]. Journal of Services Marketing, 2012, 26(7):497-509.

[5]王永贵等. 顾客创新论:全球竞争环境下“价值共创”之道 [M].北京:中国经济出版社, 2011:78-89.

[6]Ornetzedera M, Rohracherb H. User-led Innovations and Participation Processes: Lessons from Sustainable Energy Technologies [J]. Energy Policy, 2006, 34(2):138-150.

[7]Gebert H, Geib M, Kolbe L, Brenner W. Knowledge-enabled Customer Relationship Management: Integrating Customer Relationship and Knowledge Management Concepts [J]. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2003, 7(5):107-123.

[8]Lee L. The Effects of Team Reflexivity and Innovativeness on New Product Develop Performance [J]. Industrial Management Data Systems, 2008, 108(4):548-569.

[9]姚山季, 王永贵. 顾客参与新产品开发的绩效影响:产品创新类型的调节效应 [J]. 商业经济与管理, 2011, (5):89-96.

[10]Lilien G, Pamela M D, Searls K, et al. Performance Assessment of the Lead User Generation Process for New Product Development [J]. Management Science, 2002, 48:1042-1059.

[11]Natti S, Halinen A, Hanttu N. Customer Knowledge Transfer and Key Account Management in Professional Service Organizations [J]. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 2006, 17(4):304-319.

[12]Brettel M, Cleven N J. Innovation Culture, Collaboration with External Partners and NPD Performance [J]. Creativity and Innovation Management, 2011, 20(4): 253-272.

[13]范钧. 社会资本对 KIBS 中小企业客户知识获取和创新绩效的影响研究[J]. 软科学, 2011, 25(1): 85-90.

[14]Verhees F J H M, Meulenberg M T G,Penning J M E. Performance Expectations of Small Firms Considering Radical Product Innovation [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2010, 63(7):772-777.

[15]Claycomb C, Lengnick-Hall C A,Inks L W. The Customer as a Productive Resource: A Pilot Study and Strategic Implications [J].Journal of Business Strategies, 2001, 18(1):46-68.

[16]Jaw C, Lo J Y, Lin Y H. The Determinants of New Service Development: Service Characteristics, Market Orientation, and Actualizing Innovation Effort [J]. Technovation, 2010, 30:265-27.
