
2020-08-07 08:56郝昌明
云南教育·中学教师 2020年2期






(三)关系代词/副词:连接先行词和定语从句的词叫关系词,根据其在从句中的作用分为关系代词和关系副词。若先行词在从句中作主语、宾语和定语等代词性功能,应当用关系代词引导定语从句;若先行词在从句中作时间状语、地点状语和原因状语等副词性功能,应当用关系副词引导定语从句。常见的关系代词有who, whom, whose, which, that, as;常见的关系副词有when, where, why。




1. 先行词在从句中作宾语时可用who代替whom。

Here is a girl who / whom I taught long ago.

2. 关系代词whom / which 均可作介词宾语,介词的位置可以放在从句中不及物动词后,也可将介词前置构成介词 + whom / which引导定语从句。

This is the girl (whom) I talked to yesterday.

This is the girl to whom I talked yesterday.

This is the book (which) he referred to then.

This is the book to which he referred then.


(1)用who代替whom, that代替which时介词不能提前。

误:He is the boy from who I learned to play volleyball.

误:Here is the parcel to that he sent Tom.

(2)当whom, which省去时介词不能提前。

误:Is he the boy with you went there?

误:This is the room in he lived.

(3)当whom, which作为含有介词的短语动词的宾语时,介词不能拆开提前。

误:Youre the very man for whom Im looking.

误:This is the program to which he listened.

3. 先行词指物时,关系代词that和which可通用。但下列情况下只能用that,不能用which引导定语从句:

(1)先行词为everything, anything, nothing时。

Everything that can be done has been done.


This is the first American film that Ive ever seen.


Is this the best book that youve ever read?

(4)先行词被all, little, much, some, any, no, every等词修饰时。

There is little work that I can do.

(5)先行词为all, little, much等词时。

All that can be done will be done.

(6)先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last等词修饰时。

This is the only book that I want to read.


They talked about the persons and things that they remembered at school.


Who is the person that is standing there?

Which of us that knows something about physics doesnt know this?


He bought a book which could give him knowledge and that could help to kill the time.



He lives in Beijing, which is the capital of China.


The book that he bought yesterday was the one which he liked best.

4. as也可作为关系代词引导定语从句

(1)用于the same…as…, such…as…, as…as…, so…as等结构中,常采用省略形式。此时as代表主句中用形容词the same, such或由副词as, so开始的整个名词短语,关系代词as在定语从句中作主语或宾语。

Here are such books as are helpful to you.

This is the same pen as I bought yesterday.


As we all know, Taiwan is a part of China. (As在从句中作宾语)

Taiwan is a part of China, as is known to all.(as在从句中作主语)



I regret the days (that / which) I wasted in the woods.

Ill never forget 1976 which / that was full of sadness.

This is the factory that / which produces cars.

This is the factory (that / which) he visited yesterday.

This is the reason that / which is unreasonable.

This is the reason (that / which) he raised.







例1:He passed the most difficult exam, __________ pleased his parents very much.

A. who   B. which C. this    D. what


例2:The old man often returns to the small town __________ he grew up as a child.

A. which   B. where C. that     D. when

析:B。先行词the small town表地点,在定语从句中作地点状语,所以应使用关系副词where。

区别:This is the small town __________ is often praised.

A. which   B. where C. when    D. who

析:A。先行词the small town仍表地点,但在从句中作主语,属关系代词范畴。

例3:I regret the days __________ I stayed in Beijing.

A. which   B. when C. where    D. that

析:B。先行词the days表时间, 在从句中作时间状语,属关系副词范畴。

区别于:I regret the days __________ I wasted in Beijing.

A. which B. when C. where    D. who

析:A。先行词the days仍表时间, 但在从句中作宾语,属关系代词范畴。


基本题型二:先行词+特定词汇+关系代词which / whom引导定语从句


⒈介词(包括复杂介词),⒉数词(包括不定量数词)+ of,⒊其他词汇(表所属关系)+of。



例1:In the new class, she couldnt find a single person __________ she could turn for help.

A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

析:D。根据定语从句与先行词联系论,可得到这样一个句子:She could turn to the single person for help.显然,该句缺介词to,因此应当用to whom(其先行词指人)引导定语从句。

例2:There are eight trees in my yard, most of __________ are very tall.

A. these B. those   C. that D. which

析:D。根据定语从句与先行词联系论,可得到这样一个句子:Most of the eight trees are very tall. most of which 正体现了不定量数词+of which引导定语从句的特点。

例3:I had many friends, the tallest of __________ is Li Ping.

A. who B. whom   C. that D. which

析:B。因为根据定语从句与先行词联系论,可得到这样一个句子:The tallest of the many friends is Li Ping.因此the tallest of whom正体现了其他词(表所属关系)+of whom引导定语从句的特点。

注意上述特定词汇前不能加and,but等连词,否则就不能使用定语从句,而应将whom,which 改成them。如:

I have many friends and the tallest of __________ is LiPing.

A. who B. whom    C. them   D. which

析:C。因为特定词汇the tallest前面有连词and,所以不能使用定语从句。



1. 关系代词与关系代词转换

whose + n = the + n + of whom / which

This is the boy whose parents / the parents of whom are party members.

2. 關系副词与关系代词转换

(1)where = in / on which

This is the room where / in which he lives.

(2)when = on / in / at which

I still remember the year when / in which I joined the Party.

(3)why = for which

This is the reason why / for which he was killed.



1. 定从与主从转换:(The place) where he lives in unknown to me.

2. 定从与宾从转换:I dont know (the place) where the soil is rich.

3. 定从与表从转换:This is (the place) where he lives.

4. 定从与状从转换:Ill go (to the place) where you go.



误:This is the book which he lost it yesterday.(应去it)


Is this factory the one you visited?(the one不能省,也不能换成which或that)


误:The students study very hard are good students.(study前应加who或that)

责任编辑 张艳珺

分析高考试题,辨别what与 that