
2008-05-21 10:07俞江涛
中学生英语高效课堂探究 2008年5期






1. My former English teacher, who______ ______ (工作了20多年) in our school, now lives in his hometown in Huanggang.(work; over)

2. Li Lei____________(在写一本书) about ancient Chinese history last year, but I dont know whether he has finished it.(write)

3. Too many clouds are gathering in the sky. What would you do____________ (如果天下雨) tomorrow?(rain)

4. When Li Hua arrived, he learned Zhang Hui__________________(已经离开几乎一个小时了).(away)

5. Ill call you____________(我一到武汉就会给你打电话). (get)

6. Li Lei____________ (总是想着别人) but seldom of himself.(think)

7. The water__________________(感觉有点凉) when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.(feel)

8. I didnt tell the students the answer to the math problem until they____________ (做了一个多小时).(work)

9. In this matter he seems to____________ (他没有什么责任). (way; blame)

10. The number of people infected with AIDS could reach 10 million by 2020______ ____________ (除非采取有效措施) to prevent the spread of the disease. (unless; measure)

11. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of____________ (良田流失) each year. (wash)

12. The teacher told the children that_________________(地球绕着太阳转). (move)

13. I will give the children________________________ (一些好书看).(read)

14. With the fast development of economy, Wuhan____________ (呈现出一个崭新的面貌). (take on)

Keys: 1. worked for over 20 years2. was writing a book3. if it rains4. had been away for almost one hour5. as soon as I get to Wuhan6. is always thinking of others7. felt a little cool 8. worked on it for over one hour9. be in no way to blame10. unless effective measures are taken11. land are being washed away12. the earth moves around the sun13. some good books to read14. is taking on a new look

热点二: 情态动词

情态动词表推测和可能性的用法,情态动词 + have done的用法,shall, should, can和must表示特定语气的用法应是考查的热点。同学们在掌握其基本用法的基础上,应细细领会句子的情景特征,不放过任何细节,只有这样才能写出正确的句子来。


1. If you think that someone____________ (可能中了毒), you should do the following. (poison)

2. There is no light in the dormitory. They_________ (一定去了) to the library. (must)

3. Without the flood in the village two years ago, these lovely children____________(本来能够度过一个快乐的童年).(pass)

4. I told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps I________________________(应该开车送她去那儿). (should)

5. My MP4 player isnt in my bag. Where__________________(可能把它放在)?(put)

6. No person____________(准吸烟或携带点着的香烟), cigar or pipe in this area. (light)

7. You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman____________ (竟然对一位女士这么粗鲁).(rude)

8. Tom, you__________________ (不许把衣放在地板上) like this.(leave)

9. My cat is really fat. I____________ (不该给它这么多吃的). (food)

10. You____________(没有必要洗) all those clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of things. (wash)

11. Its a pity that he____________(他竟然这么粗心). (careless)

12. The room is so dirty,____________ (我们打扫一下好吗)?(clean)

13. The North Lake____________ (本来应该是很美丽的) but it is now heavily polluted.(beautiful)

Keys: 1. may / might have been poisoned2. must have gone3. could have passed a happy childhood4. should have driven her there5. can I have put it6. shall smoke or carry a lighted cigarette7. should be so rude to a lady8. mustnt leave all your clothes on the floor9. shouldnt have given her so much food10. neednt have washed11. should be so careless12. shall we clean it13. should be beautiful




1.____________ (意识到我能够) use a kite to attract lightning, I decided to do an experiment. (realize)

2.____________ (致力于他的研究), he spared no time to spend a weekend with his family. (devote)

3. I hurried to the stadium without supper,____________ (结果被告知) the football match I had been longing to was cancelled. (only, tell)

4. I never dreamed of______(有机会) for me to be able to get the admission notice from my dream university. (there be)

5.____________ (在阳光下看书) is bad for your eyes. (read)

6. Robert is said____________(正在国外学习), but I dont know what country he studies in. (abroad)

7.____________ (走进教室后), I found him reading a book attentively. (on)

8. Believe it or not, few visitors leave this small village____________(感到失望). (feel)

9.__________________(汽油耗尽了), she had to stop the car near the road and wait for help.(use)

10. Id better get some petrol. Mine seems__________________ (已经抽完). (run)

11.____________(没被录用) by that well-known company, he was greatly depressed.(employ)

12.____________(被诊断患有艾滋病),Lily lost hope in life first. (diagnose)

13. By____________ (借着做运动),we can always stay healthy. (exercise)

14. The boy rushed out in a hurry,______ ___________(留下门) unlocked. (leave)

15.__________________(获得了一等奖), he was praised by the headmaster. (award)

Keys: 1. Having realized that I could 2. Devoted (Devoting himself) to his research3. only to be told that4. there being a chance5. Reading in the sun6. to be studying abroad7. On entering the classroom8. feeling disappointed9. Petrol used up10. to be running out11. Not having been employed12. Diagnosed with AIDS13. taking exercise14. leaving the door15. Awarded first prize




1.____________ (他是否对艺术有鉴赏力) isnt known to us. (eye)

2. It has been announced that______________________________ (任何被抓住舞弊的人) in the exam will be graded zero. (catch; cheat)

3. I didnt expect to come home and find__________________(他已离开了).(leave)

4. I havent the slightest idea____________ __________ (他们正在说什么).(talk)

5. Students should be brought up to know that love, happiness and successare______ _________________ (金钱所买不到的). (buy)

6. She tore up all the letters he____________ ___________ (寄给她的).(send)

7. His first stop was____________ (在今天越南的一部分).(what; Vietnam)

8.__________________(违反交通规则的人)should be punished. (those; violate)

9. In a sports team each player has a clear role, and____________ (很少有这样的情况) members are confused or uncertain of their rules.(occasion)

10. A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train,______ _______________(它是环保的). (which)

11. Ill never forget how happy I was______________ (当我踏上) my hometown. (set)

12.____________(任何时候有困难), dont hesitate to tell me.(trouble)

13. Mr Li made full preparation for the experiment____________(以便实验能顺利进行). (conduct)

14.__________________(使我真正失望的是) is that he failed in the exam again.(disappoint)

15.____________(无论你怎么努力),working towards a career for which you are not suitable is not going to get you there. (no matter)

Keys: 1. Whether he has an eye for art2. whoever / anyone who is caught cheating3. he had left4. (of) what they are talking about5. what cannot be bought with money / what money cannot buy6. had sent her7. in what is today a part of Vietnam8. Those who violate traffic regulations9. there are few occasions when10. which is environmentally friendly11. when / as I set foot in12. Whenever (you are) in trouble13. so that it could be conducted smoothly14. What really disappointed / disappoints me15. No matter how hard you try


强调、倒装与省略在完成句子部分应注意如下方面:掌握强调句型的结构,根据句意弄清是对什么进行强调;动词的强调句型;否定意义的副词、介词短语;were, should或had置于句首的倒装情况;only置于句首的倒装情况;so, neither或nor置于句首的倒装情况; 表地点或方位的介词短语置于句首的倒装,让步状语从句的倒装。是限制性定语从句还是宾语从句中的省略或是某些特殊的省略结构。


1. Research has shown that successful language learners__________________ (确实有相当多的共同特点). (share)

2. It is____________ (从20世纪90年代起) scientists started to develop new techniques.(from)

3.____________(正是由于她太没有经验)that she does not know how to deal with the situation. (too)

4.____________(在任何别处你不可能看到) so many grand bridges as in Wuhan. (nowhere)

5. Only after you put what you have learned to use____________(你才能掌握它). (acquire)

6. Not until she saw her mother____________ __________ (她才放声大哭).(break)

7.__________________(时间是如此珍贵) that we cant afford to waste it.(precious)

8. Should____________(如果明天下雨), we would have to stay at home. (rain)

9.____________ (如果你复习了你的功课), you might have passed the exam. (revise)

10. New ideas sometimes have to wait for years before____________(被完全接受). (accept)

11. Mr Li has done____________ (尽一切可能去帮) us improve our English. (that)

12. The fried chicken we ate at the restaurant yesterday is marvelous. Id like to have it again even if it costs____________ (两倍的价钱).(as)

13. When____________(第一次被引进时) China, the dance made Chinese viewers crazy.(introduce)

Keys: 1. do share quite a few common characteristics2. from the 1990s that3. It is because she is too inexperienced4. Nowhere else can you see5. can you acquire it6. did she break into tears7. So precious is time8. it rain9. Had you revised your lessons10. (they are) fully accepted11. all (that) he could to help12. twice as much13. (it was ) first introduced to




1. Whether he comes or not____________(不要紧).(be; matter)

2. The pair of shoes in that box____________(属于我).(belong)

3. Not only you but also she____________(喜欢卓别林的电影).(like)

4. The father as well as his four children____________(到结了冰的河上去溜冰)every Sunday in winter.(skate)

5. Either you or the headmaster____________ ______ (发奖给) these gifts to the students at the meeting. (is; hand)

6. On the top of these books____________ (是你在找的相册).(photo album)

7. He is the one of the students who__________ (奖学金的获得者) for three years.(winner)

8. A survey of the opinions of students______ _________(证明他们需要更多的自由). (prove)

9. As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in this area____________ (需要重建).(repair)

10. As you see, the number of cars on roads__________ (持续增长) these days. (rise)

11. A poet and artist____________ (要来对我们讲) about Chinese literature tomorrow afternoon. (come; speak)

12. Each boy and each girl____________ (有一个礼物).(get)

13. When to start____________(还没决定).(decide)

14. Many a student____________(喜欢踢足球).(like)

15. The majority of students____________(支持) his suggestion. (favor)

Keys: 1. is of no matter2. belongs to me3. likes Chaplins movies4. goes skating on the frozen river5. is to hand out6. is the photo album you are looking for7. is a winner of scholarship8. proves that they need more freedom9. need repairing / to be repaired10. keeps rising11. is coming to speak to us12. has got a present13. hasnt been decided14. likes playing football15. are in favor of

热点七:感叹句、There be句型、动词 +宾语 + 宾补、祈使句、比较级的句子结构、with的复合结构、独立主格结构等。



1.__________________ (多么激动人心的消息啊)it is that China successfully launched Change I, the lunar orbiter! (news)

2. And if we are feeling down or lonely,____________ (没有更好) than to see the smiling face of a good friend. (nothing)

3. Some experts pointed out that a wise government should try to______ (告知其民众) when every decision, no matter big or small, is made.(keep; inform)

4.____________ (很多朋友不在),we decided to put the meeting off.(absent)

5. With____________ (一切都考虑在内), the company decided to give up the market in Shanghai. (consideration)

6.______ (天气允许), meals will be served outside. (permit)

7. Tommorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $2____________(用它给吉姆买一个礼物).(with)

8. The harder you work,____________(你进步愈快).(more)

9. Its unfair. His room is____________(是我的两倍大).(size)

10.____________ (听从医生的建议), or your cough will get worse.(follow)

11. The teacher came into the classroom, ____________ (手里拿着书).(hand)

Keys: 1. What exciting news2. there is nothing better3. keep its people informed4. With so many friends (being) absent5. everything taken into consideration6. Weather permitting / If weather permits7. with which to buy a present for Jim8. the more progress you will make9. twice the size of mine10. Follow your doctors advice11. book in hand / with a book in his hand




1.____________ (要是我有保险的话),the sickness wouldnt have caused such a big problem. (if; insurance)

2. But for the constant efforts of Chinese space researchers, the Change I, the first lunar obiter__________________(不可能发射了). (launch)

3. He put a blanket over the baby__________________(担心她会) catch a cold. (fear)

4. I wish people would find out the facts and not act____________ (好像我是) a bad or dangerous person. (if)

5.__________________(如果你可以随意设计) your own dream house, what would that house look like?(design)

6. He________________________(不可能取得这么大的进步) without your help. (progress)

7. If they__________________(今天上午早点离开家), they would arrive in half an hour. (leave)

8. She__________________ (本来要出席会议的) but she was ill. (present)

9.__________________ (如果我年轻的话), I would join the army. (young)

10. The two strangers talked____________ ____________ (像是多年的老朋友). (as if)

11. He insisted that__________________ (会议应该被推迟). (put)

12. His idea that____________ (我们应该去参观长城) was warmly welcomed. (visit)

13.____________(要是我有更多的钱), I would buy a car. (have)

14. It is high time that__________________(我们在那儿植树). (plant)


1. If I had had insurance2. couldnt have been launched3. for fear that she should4. as if I were5. If you were free to design / Were you free to design6. could not have made such great progress7. had left home earlier this morning 8. would have been present at the meeting9. Were I young / If I were young10. as if they had been friends for years.11. the meeting (should) be put off12. we (should) visit the Great Wall13. If I had more money14. we should plant trees there




1.__________________ (也许更为重要的是) is to observe how primates live in the wild. (importance)

2. Not only__________________ (要帮助) the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)

3. We asked the professor____________(我们能为动植物免遭危害做些什么).(keep; endanger)

4.____________ (这条商业街是否需要重建) is still under discussion.(rebuild)

5. We will not let our culture be destroyed and we____________(我们将尽一切可能去挽救我们的城市). (all)

6. Nearby____________ (是农民自己盖的房子) themselves.(house; build)

7. I sometimes wonder what it is that______ ___________(使这个计划如此成功). (success)

8. These laws____________ (在二战期间被废除了), making it easier for Asians to enter the United States.(abolish)


1. What may be of greater importance。考查what引导的主语从句和be of + n.的结构。

2. will help be given to。本题考查了如下方面:时态will(一般将来时);语态be given(被动语态);倒装will help;词组搭配be given to等。

3. what we can do to keep animals and plants from being endangered。本题综合考查了what引导宾语从句、不定式作目的状语及keep ... from ...结构。

4. Whether this business street needs rebuilding。本题综合考查了whether引导的主语从句和need接doing表被动的用法。

5. will do all (that) we can to save our city。本题中all作先行词,关系代词用that,由于that在从句中作宾语时可省略; do和前面的谓语动词重复,故可省略。

6. are the houses which were built by the peasants。本题综合考查了倒装句和被动语态。

7. has made the plan such a success。本题综合考查了现在完成时、make + 宾语 + 宾补和抽象名词success具体化的用法。

8. were abolished during World War Ⅱ。本题综合考查了一般过去时的被动语态和数的一致,注意二战的首字母应大写。
