Unit 8“We shouldn

2021-07-19 06:44詹艳波
校园英语·上旬 2021年4期

我所执教的是湖南少儿出版社六年级上册英语Unit 8“We shouldn't waste water”第一课时。

We shouldn't waste water 这个单元的话题是环境保护(Environmental protection),我们要学会观察周围的环境,辨别周围环境的美和丑,从而得出我们应该做什么,不应该做什么,应该怎么做才能让我们的环境变得更美。


1. 能听懂、会说,认读新单词和词组keep the river clean plant more trees  keep the air clean and fresh use bikes instead of cars  shouldn't kill wild animals  shouldn't waste water  shouldn't litter.

2. 能运用“We should... We shouldn't......”来讨论保护环境我们应该做什么不应该做什么。


1. 能运用“We should...”和“We shouldn't”来表达自己应该做什么、不应该做什么。同时会用“You should...”和“You shouldn't...”告知他人应该做什么、不应该做什么来保护环境。

2. 对于词组instead of,根据我以前的教学经历来看学生不容易掌握,要指导学生分音节记忆发音;Every drop of water也有点绕口,发音时教师也要多加指导。


教学卡片磁带  课件


Step 1 Warming up/Revision

1. Greetings.

T: Good morning boys and girls,  I'm glad to see you.

Ss: Glad to see you too.

2. Free talk:

What's the weather like?

Do you like going outing?

Where do you like to go ?

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. Teacher: Today is sunny. I will take you to a good place for outing ,Can you guess what's the name of this place?

(1) 教師用课件依次呈现以下几张风景的照片,让学生欣赏并说出图片美不美,美在哪里。

(2) 学生看到图片后议论纷纷并发表感叹:How beautiful! It's LiuYe lake. I know this place, I want to go....

(3) 此时教师启发学生说说柳叶湖美不美,美在什么地方。

(4) 学生各抒己见:

Student1: The sky is blue.

Student2: The trees are green.

Student3: The road is tidy.

Student4: The flowers are beautiful.

Student5: The water is clean.

Student6: The animals are lovely.


(5) 教师多媒体呈现另外一组柳叶湖环境没有治理前环境被破坏的图片,让学生进行比较并说一说这一组图片美不美,为什么不美,哪些地方不美?

(6) 学生看到图片纷纷摇头叹息:Oh! My God! It's terrible!...

(7) 此时老师引导学生说说为什么摇头?为什么叹气?

(8) 学生自告奋勇纷纷把自己的感受表达出来:

Student1:The sky is grey and black.

Student2: The wild animals are dead.

Student3: The water is dirty.

Student4: The air isn't  clean and fresh.


(9) 通过比较教师引导学生得出结论:我们应该保护环境We should protect environment.

2. 教师通过第二组图片和学生一起讨论保护环境我们应该怎么做,不应该做什么。同时板书并教学“We should...和We shouldn't....”

(1) The sky is grey and black(天空是灰色和黑色的)。教育学生尽量绿色出行。We should use bikes instead of cars. Instead of学生较难理解。Instead of 表示“代替”,教师可配合连贯的肢体语言进行解释并用不同的词来替换组词,如:用use hand instead of leg; use email instead of letter; use English instead of Chinese等来突破课文的重难点。

(2) 针对人类捕杀野生动物The wild animals are killed(野生动物被杀死)这一现象,老师教育学生要保护野生动物。 We shouldn't kill wild animals. We should love animals.

(3) 针对The water is dirty水源被污染这一现象老师告诫学生We shouldn't litter,We should keep the water clean。

(4) The air isn't clean and fresh 根据空气不再干净新鲜这一现象,我们应该要多种树保持空气新鲜,We should plant more trees,Trees can keep the air clean。

3. 游戏:火眼金睛。快速闪过一组图片让学生抢答,巩固操练本单元重点词组。

keep the river clean

keep the air clean and fresh

use bikes instead of cars

shouldnt kill wild animals


4. 多媒体呈现一些公共场所不同的标识图片,例如:禁止吸烟,禁止乱丢垃圾,禁止随地吐痰等,让学生用英语说一说这些标识图都代表应该做什么和不应该做什么。操练We should...和We shouldn't ...句型。

5. The dialogue

第一步:Watch and say


学生回答: She is washing her blouse.

第二歩:Recall and say

教师引导学生回想一下动画中的情景,有没有发现不美的画面,学生回想之后回答:“水龙头没有关好” 。

第三步: Think and say



Student 1: turn off the water

Student 2: We should save water.

(2) 教师围绕节约用水话题展开教学There isn't enough water on the Earth. We shouldn't waste water. We must save every drop do water.

(3) Every drop of 是本课知识难点,教学时学生发音有点绕口,教学every 时教师用已学旧知very 逐步过渡,然后用every drop of rain; every drop of milk; every drop of water等反复操练来突破难点。

第四步:Read and circle

打开书本读课文并圈出课文中有“We should,和We shouldn't..”的句子并且大声读出来。

第五步:Listen and say


第六步:Act and play


Step 3 Practice

1. 小组之间展开讨论,通过学习想一想我们应该做什么,不应该做什么来践行环保,写下来进行小组汇报。看哪个小组汇报得越多越详细并评出优胜小组。

At  home,  we should  _________  .  We  shouldn' t  _________  .

At  school,  we should  _________ . We  shouldn' t  _________ .

Step 4 Homework



揭秘油画动画 逐帧堆砌的精致艺术