
  • Meditation upon From a child I was fond of reading
    东台山市第一中学高二(20)班 林金燕指导老师 罗敬谊Reading makes a full man and a person is what he reads.In the article From a child I was fond of reading,Benjamin Franklin shares his early reading experience,which leavesmeto much meditation upon how to

    疯狂英语·新悦读 2019年1期2019-11-27

  • Perseverance Leads to Success
    玥江西省贛州中学高二18班Just like every climber longs to conquer the mountain, everyone has his or her desire for success; yet its no easy job to be on top of the mountain as there shall be obstacles all along the way, and it is the same wit

    校园英语·下旬 2017年4期2017-06-07

  • 又是新的一天
    救救我吧Stan: Save the bull.Rory: It' s like I could just reach out and touch you.Stan: Save the bull in 3D.【词汇注释】bull n.公牛reach out 伸出手【参考译文】斯坦: 救救我吧。罗里: 我觉得能伸出手摸到你。斯坦: 救救我吧,戴上3D眼镜。真不容易Dog: No hard feelings?Dog: It' s just my job. No

    高中生学习·高二版 2015年9期2015-11-28

  • On Self-Esteem and Sport
    课,金华艾青中学高二学生My dad was in the Air Force. When I was a kid,we moved every few years. That meant a lot of good-byes. It also meant getting used to a whole new community and a whole new school each time we moved. It was scary because

    英语教师 2015年7期2015-02-13

  • 解析几何中的常见误区
    赵祥燕1. 条件理解不到位,导致出错包括两种情况:相交或相切,错解中把有公共点理解成直线和圆相交,显然是错的.正解 前面相同,补充:相切且满足条件的直线有8条,所以正确答案是60条.答案 B2.概念把握不准确,导致出错∴实数[k]的取值范围为[[0,4]].1. 条件理解不到位,导致出错包括两种情况:相交或相切,错解中把有公共点理解成直线和圆相交,显然是错的.正解 前面相同,补充:相切且满足条件的直线有8条,所以正确答案是60条.答案 B2.概念把握不准确

    高中生学习·高二版 2014年3期2014-04-29

  • 抛物线焦点弦的性质
    黄俊峰 袁方程在圆锥曲线的教学中,笔者发现抛物线的焦点弦有很多性质,如果能掌握这些性质,处理有关抛物线的切线问题就会变得很简单.性质1 抛物线焦点弦的两端点处交点的轨迹是抛物线的准线在椭圆、双曲线中也应有类似的性质,可探讨.在圆锥曲线的教学中,笔者发现抛物线的焦点弦有很多性质,如果能掌握这些性质,处理有关抛物线的切线问题就会变得很简单.性质1 抛物线焦点弦的两端点处交点的轨迹是抛物线的准线在椭圆、双曲线中也应有类似的性质,可探讨.在圆锥曲线的教学中,笔者发

    高中生学习·高二版 2014年3期2014-04-29

  • Quality Education
    东省青岛第二中学高二四班)Quality Education◆秦子瑜(山东省青岛第二中学高二四班)This article discusses of the quality of education through 5 content:(1)the basic quality of the ideological and moral qualities;(2)Intellectual education;(3)Physical Education;(4)A

    中国校外教育 2012年23期2012-08-15