
2016-02-27 08:32
昭通学院学报 2016年1期

李 存

(昭通学院 外国语学院, 云南 昭通 657000)



李 存

(昭通学院 外国语学院, 云南 昭通 657000)


英文写作; 研究性仿写; 问题; 语篇分析





图1 英文写作研究性仿写策略

议论文是四种常见文体中比较常用的一种。议论文有三要素:论点、论据、论证。其中论点是思想,论据是材料,论证是方法。思想应该统帅材料,材料应该证明思想,方法则完成材料对思想的证明。要写好议论文,就要紧扣议论文的三要素。现在以《英语写作手册》中的一篇议论文Life Can Be Happy and Meaningful(丁往道等,2009:188—189)为范例,以昭通学院外国语学院英语教育专业专科13级A、B班的学生作为实验对象。具体策略设计如下:


根据议论文的构成与写作技能,组织学生针对范文Life Can Be Happy and Meaningful设计一些研究性问题,经由小组讨论、分析与评价,结果汇总如下:

1.What is the debatable point of this essay?

2.According to the main components of an argumentation, how many parts can this essay be divided?

3.Is there sufficient evidence to convince the reader? What kind of evidence does each paragraph provide?

4.Is the writer’s reasoning logical and effective?

5.How does the writer arrange his writing of thoughts?

6.Is there a clear topic sentence in each paragraph of the main part? What are they?

7.What writing skills can be learned from the last paragraph?

8.Which sentences in this essay can be used in your own writing?





Section Ⅰ (Par1—2) Introductory Part

Par1. Background Information

(S1)Situation: A poll

(S2) Debatable Point: No one can be happy. One can be happy.

(S3—5) Evidence:20% students my friends

Par2. Transitional S(S1): think of

Author’s opinion: (S2) be happy and meaningful

(2) 有用句型 (Useful Sentence Structure)

●Shockingly enough, about 20 percent of the students agreed to the first statement.

●Frankly speaking, life is bitter and meaningless. But to live on, we’d better say to ourselves that there is happiness in life

●I have been thinking of this question ever since. The more I think, the more I am convinced that if we have a right attitude towards life, our lives can surely be happy and meaningful.

(3) 写作技能 (Writing Skills)

在引论部分(Introductory Part),作者先由一个社会调查引出争论议题 (Debatable Point): Can one be happy or not?;然后作者运用两个事例(学生的选择和朋友的回答)在第二自然段引出本文的中心论点(thesis point):Life can be happy and meaningful.

2、第二部分: 本论部分

(1) 宏观结构 (Macrostructure)

Section Ⅱ (Par3—4) Body Part

Par3. Main point: Life can be happy

(S1) Fact: bitter experience-(S2)Topic S:but overcome hardships happiness emerge

Hard Evidence:(S3)admire-(S4)but happiness connect misfortunes

Facts: (S5) childhood (S6) France (S7) research work (S8) losses

Analysis: (S9) benefit of mankind

Conclusion:(S10) happy meaningful

Reaffirm:(S11) fought against

Par4. Main point: Life can be meaningful.

(S1) Fact: insignificant-(S2—4) But What? Topic S: welfare of mankind

Transitional S: (S5) But think little

Hard Evidence: (S6) feel wretched for

Fact: (S7—10) Students: be famous

Teacher: fameless wealthless

Analysis: (S11) vivid description nobleness

Conclusion: (S12): contribute to be useful to

(2) 有用句型 (Useful Sentence Structure)

●It is true that all people have some bitter experiences. But it is through overcoming hardships that our happiness emerges.

●But she never complained and never stopped working for the benefit of mankind. That is why her life was happy and meaningful.

●Some people complain that their work is insignificant and thus their lives are meaningless. But what kind of work is significant?

(3) 写作技能 (Writing Skills)

在本论部分(Body Part),作者分为两个层次来论证自己的观点。在第三自然段作者论证Life can be happy这个分论点。作者第一句先论述一个大家都公认的事实(All people have some bitter experiences.),然后在第二句用一个转折词but提出自己的观点即本段的主题句(Topic Sentence):But it is through overcoming hardships that our happiness emerges。接下来在第三句,作者使用事实论据(hard evidence)提出一些人的看法,接着第四句还是使用转折词but引出自己的观点,进一步对本段的主题句进行阐释。接下来第五至第八句这四句作者用事实论据来证明自己的观点。在本段的最后三句,作者先进行分析,然后得出本段结论,最后再次重申自己的观点。在第四自然段作者论证Life can be meaningful这个分论点,这一段的写作技巧与第三段使用的相似,在此不再赘述。


(1) 宏观结构(Macrostructure)

Section Ⅲ (Par.5) Conclusion Part

Par5. Conclusion

(S1)Fact: different

(S2) But Happiness never

Meaning cannot

(2) 有用句型(Useful Sentence Structure)

●Different people may think of life differently.

●But of one thing I am certain: happiness never favors those who merely care about themselves, and the meaning of life cannot be understood by those who refuse to sacrifice anything for others.

(3) 写作技能 (Writing Skills)

在结论部分 (Conclusion Part),作者先提出大家公认的事实 (Different people may think of life differently.),然后用转折词but得出本文的结论。然而作者并不是简单地重复自己的中心论点,而是使用双重否定句式(never…mere…;cannot…refuse…)重申自己的观点,给读者留下深刻的印象。



More and more college or university graduates can’t find jobs; some of them discontinue their study. They think that going to college is useless and wastes money and time. What’s your opinion? Please write a composition with the title “Going to College Is____ and ____”.




表1 习作成绩




表2 习作主要问题

图2 英文习作范文“自上而下”语篇分析模式



1)They want to find a fat salary work, but they don’t want this work too tired.

“a fat salary work ”就是明显的中式表达,薪水高的工作应为“a good paid job”;例句中的后半句汉语思维痕迹严重。上句建议修改为:

They want to have a good paid job which is comfortable.

2) She knows what should do and her time sense is very strong.

“很强的时间观念”地道的英文表达是“a strong sense of time”,因此可以改成:

She has a strong sense of time so she knows what she should do.

3) College life is boring and meaningless. We even doubt it which we chose a bad college.

College 用bad修饰不大合适,应该是“恰当的”(right)。根据作者的意图或许可以做以下修改:

We often feel college life is so boring and meaningful that we sometimes doubt whether we had chosen a right college or not.

4) Students have few lessons one day. Be sure they can feel the life is insignificant.


It’s true that lots of students feel their life is insignificant because of few lessons to have every day.

5) But it is through studying life is boring.


College life is boring because we have nothing to do in our spare time except studying.

6) If you see all things with different eyes, the world can be colorful.

“从不同的视角”地道的英语表达应该是from different perspectives而不是with different eyes,上句应改为:

If you see the world from different perspectives, it will be very colorful.

7) It is true that despite students how to think of college life, happy or bitter, meaningful or meaningless, all of these are true.

此句中it is true 与all of these are true 语义重复,根据作者的意图,可以改为:

No matter how the students think of college life, whether it is happy or sad, meaningful or meaningless, all of this is true.

8) The other one of my friends, her major is medicine, she told me that she is very busy but she is happy.


Another friend of mine, whose major is medicine, once told me that she is very happy although she is always busy with her study.



There is no doubt that college life if free. But it still means you will have enough time to do what you want to do. In other words, you are busy. Most of us always admire others’ achievement. We don’t know how much effort he has paid. As we all known, Lu Xun, a famous writer in China, said once, “I am not a talent. I just make full use of my free time to study while others are playing.” It is very important for us to encourage ourselves. In college we can do many things to improve ourselves. College is a platform. We can show ourselves by all kinds of activities. What do you want to do in the future? That depends on which kinds of person you want to be.



55篇习作中,有5篇标题自相矛盾,这也是教师不可忽视的一个问题,如:Going to College is Interesting and Boring/ Colorful and Monotonous。中国学生受儒家“中庸之道”的影响,在多种场合下对待一些事物采取不偏不倚的立场,体现在写作上就是对相对的观点采取不赞成也不反对的态度。英语国家人士观点明确,立场鲜明,尤其在写作上绝不会出现自相矛盾的现象。


英文写作研究性仿写策略只能起到“描猫画虎”的作用,学生可以模仿范文的篇章组织模式、行文技巧,只能达到“形象”而达不到“神似”。上述习作三种主要问题,其实就是英汉思维差异的体现:(1)思维方式不同。西方人较注重抽象思维,而汉民族却偏向形象思维,以形象的表达手法来描绘抽象的概念。(2)思维风格不同 。英民族表达思想时,逻辑缜密,先陈述主要思想,再论说次要观点。而汉民族是散点思维,思维按逻辑事理,时间顺序,因果关系排列,讲究形散神聚。(3)思维侧重不同。英民族注重形式逻辑,而汉民族重辩证思维。


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[2]丁往道. 英语写作手册(英文版第三版)[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2009.

[3]李存. 英文写作研究性仿写策略探析[J]. 大学英语教学与研究,2011,(4):11—15.

[4]李存. 主位推进与中英文思维模式差异[J]. 昭通学院学报,2013,(5):105—108.

[5]李存. 大学英语语篇分析“自上而下”教学模式探究[J]. 昭通学院学报,2014,(4):117—120.

[6]刘可红. 基于经典英语模仿的大学英语写作教学最简策略[J]. 天津外国语大学学报,2011,(3):62—68.

[7]谭晓春. 大学英语模仿与创新写作教学探析[J]. 安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版),2011,(1):113—115.

Study On the Problems of the Strategy of Adopting Inquiry Imitating Learning Method in English Writing

LI Cun

(School of Foreign Language, Zhaotong University, Zhaotong 657000, China)

Adopting the inquiry learning method in English writing through the way of imitating, this strategy is intended to cultivate the students’ English writing research skills and effectively improve their English writing skills and research learning ability. It turns out through the empirical teaching that this strategy cannot eliminate these problems in students’ compositions: Chinglish, confusion of person and contradiction of viewpoint. The cause of these problems is the differences between Chinese and English thinking patterns. The imitative wring after the discourse Top-down analysis of model assays which is based on the theories of textual pattern, macro-structure and thematic progression, can improve students’ writing ability thoroughly as well as eliminating the possible negative effects of Chinese thinking patterns

English Writing; Inquiry Imitative Writing; Problem; Discourse Analysis


李存(1977— ),男,山东枣庄人,讲师,硕士,主要从事英语课程与教学论,应用语言学研究。




范文引路 习得方法